Prince George's Council Declares 2018 the Year of the Anacostia

The Anacostia's time has come!  On November 14th, the County Council of Prince George's County passed a resolution declaring that 2018 will be the Year of the Anacostia.  Read the full resolution below.  The DC Council has a similar resolution pending, and many groups and organizations are making plans.  


2017 Legislative Session

A RESOLUTION concerning

‘The Year of the Anacostia’

For the purpose of declaring the administrative policy of the Prince George's County Council for designation of calendar year 2018 as “The Year of the Anacostia.”

         WHEREAS, the Anacostia River watershed stretches across 176 square miles, and runs through large portions of Prince George’s County; and

         WHEREAS, the Anacostia watershed is home to nearly 500 species of fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates; and

         WHEREAS, the Anacostia River has numerous tributary creeks and streams, including: Northwest Branch, Northeast Branch, Sligo Creek, Paint Branch, Little Paint Branch, Indian Creek, Beaverdam Creek, Still Creek, Dueling Creek, Lower Beaverdam, Hickey Run, Briers Mill Run, Watts Branch, and Pope Branch; and

         WHEREAS, the Anacostia River begins at the confluence of its northeast and northwest branches near Bladensburg, Maryland, in Prince George’s County, and runs for 8.5 miles before meeting the Potomac River at Hains Point in Washington, DC; and

         WHEREAS, In Prince George’s County, the Anacostia River is bordered by numerous historic sites that have been vital for the history of the United States of America including the Battle of Bladensburg during the War of 1812, the site of the first hot air balloon launch in the nation, the Dueling Grounds, and the development of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; and

         WHEREAS, in the 18th century the port at Bladensburg, Maryland, was 40 feet deep and served as a major center for colonial shipping fleets; and

         WHEREAS, today, the Anacostia River is bordered by a variety of recreation resources, trails, and parks managed by the National Park Service and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission including the Anacostia River Trail, which connects Prince George’s County to the Washington Monument; and

         WHEREAS, the Anacostia River and surrounding parkland are valued assets in the region enjoyed by residents and visitors alike for its scenic beauty by boat, bike, and on foot; and

         WHEREAS, Prince George’s County is home to the headquarters of the Anacostia Watershed Society, whose mission is to protect and restore the Anacostia River and its watershed communities by cleaning the water, recovering the shores, and honoring the heritage; and

         WHEREAS, Prince George’s County is home to the headquarters of the Anacostia Trails Heritage Area, Inc., one of thirteen (13) Heritage Areas, certified by the State of Maryland under the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, dedicated to preserving and promoting the historical, artistic, cultural, and natural resources of the Heritage Area; and

         WHEREAS, in 2018, the nation will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Frederick Douglass, the “Lion of the Anacostia”; and

         WHEREAS, August 31, 2018, will be the 100th Anniversary of the federal law setting aside more than 1,200 acres of riverside land as public parkland; and

         WHEREAS, the County Council appreciates these valuable natural assets and the historic significance of the Anacostia River and surrounding watershed areas, and finds that an administrative policy declaration is appropriate in observance of this historic milestone for the region.

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the Prince George’s County Council proclaims 2018 to be the “The Year of the Anacostia.”

         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Council also encourages municipalities, organizations, and agencies to proclaim calendar 2018 “The Year of the Anacostia” and to join in a yearlong invitation to honor history, celebrate progress, and enjoy the Anacostia River and its surroundings as we envision an inspiring future for the Anacostia River watershed.

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