About this event
Tires in our parks are ugly, poison the soil, breed mosquitos, and pose a fire hazard. For decades, the city-downed woods behind the Congress Park apartments have been one of the worst illegal dump sites for tires in the DMV.
The largest tire clean-up in Ward 8 Woods history took place August 21, when veterans with the service organization The Mission Continues removed over 1,000 tires.
This winter we finished the job- and maybe break our own record.
Check out the website and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/congress-park-tire-fest-2022-tickets-267943886377?fbclid=IwAR38kbhCRD5HfA5YEOhx2VuWhLrh7PNz3EgfxJr900sv1PFqDrrbsqOzClc